By Shayne Benowitz
If you happen to be in a West Marine or a Barnes & Noble this month, and you’re daydreaming about getting out on the water with Fury, scan the magazine racks for August’s issue of Multihulls Quarterly. You’ll find a feature article on Fury by Yours Truly!
I had the opportunity to attend the Miami Boat Show this year and spend an afternoon sailing on a gorgeous Benetau 43 in Biscayne Bay. I’m a Fury Girl at heart, but I am thrilled at any opportunity to get offshore on a boat, especially a sailing yacht. On board was the publisher for Blue Water Sailing Media, which publishes Blue Water Sailing Magazine and Multihulls Quarterly. We got to talking and I told him I was a writer and a boating enthusiast, and he put me in touch with the magazine’s managing editor. I pitched her a few ideas, and in addition to a couple of other articles, she asked me to write a feature on Fury.
I was thrilled at the opportunity. Of course, I know the ends and outs of Fury pretty well, but there was still some research to do. I interviewed the big boss men Scott and Marius, as well as Captain Chuck, and shipbuilder Randy Hinojosa. I wanted to tell the story of Fury’s growth since Scott took the reigns around the summer of 2005 when we were hit by the big storms. It was kind of a walk down memory lane talking with Scott and Marius about growing the fleet and developing our signature trips like the Ultimate Adventure and the Commotion on the Ocean.
Captain Chuck and Randy gave me all the details on the specs and the evolution of the Fury catamaran design. And of course, I couldn’t leave out what makes Key West such an ideal destination for boating, the beauty of the coral reef, which is the heart and soul of our daily operation.
It was an honor to write the article and it made me that much more proud of where we’ve been and where we’re going at Fury. If you’re a true Fury fan, you might find this article on our recent history interesting. If you pick up a copy, let us know what you think on Facebook or Twitter. Or just get down to Key West and tell us on the way to the reef!
Shayne Benowitz is a Fury crew member and freelance writer. For more follow her on Twitter @ShayneBenowitz.
**Note About This Content:
This Fury page includes content that reflects past events, attractions, or Fury news that is no longer up to date. As you are reading, please be aware that the information presented on this page is not current and should not be attributed as a current fact.